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Our Crew

The journey is successful only with a well trained eager crew that works together like a well oiled machine.


Our Captain has spent decades boating on Georgian Bay.  Gord knows those waters like the back of his hand.  He is excited about charting new waters and welcomes the challenges it will bring.


Our First Mate began boating when she sailed (power boated) off into the sunset with Gord in 2009.  She is terrified of the adventure ahead, but is a loyal crew mate and will breath easy once Holy Cow is on the G Bay.


Our Deck Cadets have been on the water since birth.  At the age of 5 days old, Jaxon spent his first week on Georgian Bay.  He is a critical part of our crew.  Don't tell the Coast Guard/Marine Police, but this boy drives and docks a boat better than most adults.  He proved this at the age of 8 while captaining our Silverton boat out of marinas and anchorages the summer I broke my ankle and Gord was forced to take on the duties of line throwing and fender dropping.   Brooklyn, being a December baby, spent her first summer living on a boat on Georgian Bay.  She learned to crawl that summer and I wondered if she'd have sea legs for the rest of her life as a result.  Brooklyn is key to the social and amusement aspects on board.  She keeps us laughing daily.  She is also a crucial part of our navigation and tide charting team.


Finally, we have our Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Tahna and Brodie.  Originating from South Africa, these lion hunters are not typically a water loving breed.  However, their short hair and overall disinterest of leaping into the lake make these dogs great boat dogs.  Our loyal family companions love their boating life and are eager for the sights and smells of the adventure ahead. 


Gord Jopling


Jennifer Jopling

Jaxon Jopling

Brooklyn Jopling

Deck Cadet/ Co-Captain
Deck Cadet/Co-Navigator
Lazy Crew Members/Security

Tahna and Brodie

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